Revised and adopted by the Board of Trustees 4/18/2017
Community Bulletin Boards and Literature Racks PDF
The majority of Bulletin Boards in the East Greenbush Community Library are reserved for Library and Friends of the Library Programs and notices. In its role as a center for community information, East Greenbush Community Library supports the free flow of information and exchange of ideas.
It therefore provides designated Community Bulletin Board(s) and Community Literature Rack(s) where individuals and groups in the community can announce events and services that are of general and current interest. The Library may permit leaflets, newsletters, posters, flyers or other material to be posted on the Community Bulletin Board(s) and displayed in the Community Literature Rack(s) for distribution at the Library.
Due to limited display space, the Library is under no obligation to post or distribute said material. Community notices may only be posted on designated Community Bulletin Board(s) and/or Literature Rack(s). Notices may not be mounted to walls, doors, windows, or other surfaces. If damages occur, the posting parties are responsible for the cost of repairs. The Library assumes no responsibility for the preservation, protection or possible damage to or theft of any notices displayed. The Library reserves the right to reject material because of size as well as content and to determine the length of time material may be displayed.
Community Bulletin Board(s) and Community Literature Rack(s) are available on a first come, first serve basis, within limitations of space and according to the following guidelines. Notices not complying with these guidelines will be removed. The Bulletin Board(s) and Literature Rack(s) will be maintained by a Staff Member appointed by the Director.
- Only one copy of a notice can be displayed on a Bulletin Board.
- Maximum size is 8.5×11 inches. Materials must clearly show date of posting.
- Maximum posting of each notice will be 30 days.
- Notices of events should be removed after the event has taken place.
- Notices should be placed so other notices are not obscured.
- No materials may be placed in areas designated for Library postings.
- If both posters and brochures are supplied, the Library reserves the right to choose which will be the more useful format for public display.
- Posting or distribution of such notices does not imply Library endorsement of ideas, issues, or events promoted by those materials.
- Notices advocating fraud, defamatory, slanderous, unlawful actions or that the Library considers to be inappropriate are not permitted.
- Partisan political posters, fliers and handouts shall not be displayed on Library bulletin boards or Library property.The Library reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy on a case-by-case basis, subject to approval by the Director.