Adopted by the Board of Trustees 5/19/2015
Code of Ethics PDF
As elected public officials, trustees of East Greenbush Community Library have an obligation to meet legal, moral, and ethical standards in their conduct and decisions. The following principles are to be used as a guide to achieve this goal.
- Protect the integrity and purpose of the Library as a community institution and uphold its mission to serve as a community center for lifelong learning, with access to a broad range of ideas and information through traditional and emerging resources to meet the intellectual, recreational and cultural needs of East Greenbush residents.
- Abide by all state and federal laws that apply to New York public libraries.
- Observe the provisions of the Open Meetings Law
- Follow the Conflict of Interest Policy
- Keep confidential information confidential.
- Function as a whole unit in accordance with the Library’s Bylaws.
- Remain objective when dealing with staff or patrons and use Board established channels of communications to ensure consistent, rational resolution of library matters.
- Adhere to all Board established library policies, rules, and procedures.