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Explore Capital Region history through local news, events and people with Times Union Collection. Search current and archived issues with full-color newspaper pages, full-text articles and content only published online
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Other Resources
Cyndi’s List of Genealogy Sites
More than 84,000 genealogy links are gathered and arranged by category.
Family History & Genealogy from
Find Census, immigration, and military records, and record-finding aids for genealogists and family historians.
The largest genealogy organization in the world. Search family records, genealogies, photographs, census and other government records; create a family tree; take an online genealogy course. A service of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints.
Find A Grave
Find the graves of your ancestors. Also try BillionGraves.
The web’s premier collection of military records from the Revolutionary War to World Ward II/
Genealogy Gophers
Free genealogy book search. Search 80,000 digital genealogy books, for free.
Military Indexes
A directory of links to online military indexes and records for USA genealogy research. Included are rosters, databases of soldiers, draft card databases for World War I and II, and listings of military and war casualties.
Old Fulton Post Cards
Search over 47 million newspapers in the US and Canada.
One-Step Genealogy Websites by Steve Morse
This site contains tools for finding immigration records, census records, vital records, and for dealing with calendars, maps, foreign alphabets, and numerous other applications. Some of these tools fetch data from other websites but do so in more versatile ways than the search tools provided on those websites.
Resources for Genealogists
Finding aids from the National Archives & Records Administration.
Revolutionary War Patriots & Descendants
Genealogy site for the Daughters of the American Revolution.
An online community supported by The primary purpose and function of is to connect people so that they can help each other and share genealogical research.
Stonehouse Family Genealogy
Categorized list of genealogy sites.
Top 100 Genealogy Websites, 2016
A list of 100 top online resources, as compiled by Genealogy In Time magazine.
US Citizenship and Immigration Service
Request historical immigration and naturalization records of deceased immigrants.
US Gen Web Project
A volunteer-run group working to provide free genealogy websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States.
US Immigration
Castle Garden arrivals (1820-1892) and Ellis Island arrivals (1892-1924):
Where to Write for Vital Records
Assistance in locating and requesting vital records in the U.S.