Amended 2/19/2013 by the Board of Trustees
Disruptive Behavior Policy PDF

The Board of Trustees of the East Greenbush Community Library recognizes that at times staff members must deal with disruptive behavior(s). It is the responsibility of the Library staff to maintain as safe and pleasant an environment as possible for all Library patrons. The Library Board authorizes staff to take appropriate measures to deal with disruptive behavior(s).

Disruptive behavior is defined as any behavior(s) that interferes with the normal functioning of the library. Disruptive behaviors include, but are not limited to, the following: violence, either verbal or physical, directed at patrons or staff; verbal behavior that is insulting, harassing or abusive to patrons or staff; loud and/or intrusive behavior that interferes with or alarms patrons or staff; behaviors that illegally remove or damage or may damage library materials or resources; and behaviors that violate the library’s posted “Rules of Conduct.”

The following behaviors will result in immediate expulsion from the library and a complaint registered with the Police.  Library privileges may be suspended for the behaviors stated below as well as persistent, willful violations of the Library’s posted rules of conduct.

  • Stealing, damaging or altering library property.
  • Threatening physical, written or electronic behavior
  • Verbally abusive or obscene language toward patrons and/or staff.

The length and extent of Library privilege suspension is at the discretion of the Director.  The Disruptive patron will be notified verbally of the terms of the suspension followed by a certified letter, return receipt requested.  If the Disruptive Patron is a minor, their parent(s) will be notified.

All other disruptive behavior will be dealt with in a progressive manner as outlined in the progressive procedures. (attached)

An incident report will be filed with the Director within 48 hours of the event.

Incidents that require the intervention of the Director will be reported to the Board in the Director’s report.

Other policies that apply to Safety include the Harassment and Safety Policies in the Staff Manual.

Progressive Procedures for Dealing with Disruptive Behavior

  1. Patron will be told that the behavior must be stopped.
  2. Request to stop will be repeated.  Warning of expulsion will be administered.
  3. Patron will be asked to leave.  If resistance experienced, police will be called.

Procedures for dealing with a problem patron shall be divided in two categories:


  • Staff member will follow the procedure outlined above
  • Librarian in charge will be notified
  • If patron refuses to leave the staff member will notify their supervisor who will notify the police to remove the patron.
  • Refer question of pressing charges, if any, to the Director.
  • If action is presumed unlawful, staff member should call the East Greenbush Police immediately.
  • File an incident report.


  • Staff member will follow procedure outlined above
  • If the child refuses to leave;
    • Name of child and of parent and parent contact information will be obtained.  If the parent cannot be reached the police will be called.  Report the disturbance to the dispatcher, noting that the person in question is a juvenile and request police assistance.  If the staff member is unable to ascertain the child’s and/or parent’s name, the police should be called as described.
    • Refer possibility of further legal action to the Director.
    • If the action is criminal, staff member should call the police and the parent, if known, immediately.
    • File an incident report.


Subject East Greenbush Card UHLS Card UHLS MyCard
Library Card Registration Free to any individual who resides or pays taxes in the East Greenbush Community Library taxing district or Town of Schodack. Cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Free to any individual who volunteers or works at the EGRN Library. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Free to partner educational agencies with verified employment. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Those that live outside the UHLS area may purchase a temporary card at the price established by our Table of Fines and Fees. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

Free to residents residing in a community served by a UHLS library.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

The UHLS MyCard is a fine-free, limited-access library card for youth. It is intended to address multiple barriers to serving youth and families, including:

  • Barriers to access related to fines (e.g. computer access, checking out materials)
  • Parents not present for a child’s library card registration
  • Previous fines on a child’s card

Free for youth residing in a community served by a UHLS library.Applicants 18 and under who are applying for a limited use, UHLS Youth Only MyCard, need to provide name, address, and date of birth.UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.Youth ages birth to 18 can register unaccompanied, or with the help of a caregiver or relative who is not the child’s parent/guardian.This card may be used at all UHLS Libraries except for the Colonie Town Library.

Card blocked at $10 or more in replacement costs.

No fines for late items

Limits on # of Materials Borrowed Unlimited checkouts Unlimited checkouts Limited total items: Can only have 3 items checked out on their card at a time
Types of Items All eligible item types. All eligible item types except Museum Passes, ILL, and Hot off the Press. Active paid members of the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library have access to all lending collections. Only items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Databases/Digital Content EGRN and UHLS subscription databases and digital content UHLS subscription databases and digital content Only items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Interlibrary Loan Nationwide UHLS Libraries UHLS Libraries
Program Registration Unlimited except by limited program capacity Preference given to resident cardholders Preference given to resident cardholders