Amended by the Board of Trustees 10/16/2018
Internet Use Policy PDF
Access to the Internet on Library computers is available for use by patrons. Usage is provided in set increments, which may be limited based on demand. There is no time limit for wireless users. To reserve and use a Library computer, patrons must have a UHLS library card in good standing, or a guest pass. Guest passes are only available to patrons who do not already have a UHLS library card. Wireless network users may access the Library’s public network during library hours. Library staff may assist users in connecting to the network, but the Library does not guarantee that all devices will work with the network.
Children’s Use
- Just as libraries do not vouch for or endorse the viewpoints of written material in their collections, they do not do so for electronic information. Parents and guardians are responsible for monitoring their child’s use of the Internet. Any restriction of a child’s access is the responsibility of the parent/guardian, not the library staff.
- Dissemination of information through the Internet is a joint responsibility of the child and the parent/guardian.
Responsibility of Users
- Users are required to log in each time to use the Internet computers. A maximum of two users at the workstation at a time is allowed. If the computer is shared, all users must agree to the library’s Internet policy.
- Files may be saved to the library computer’s hard drive temporarily, but they will be erased at the end of the session. To save files beyond then, patrons may provide their own USB storage media or email documents to themselves.
- Users requiring sound must use headphones.
- Users are responsible for all printing fees.
- Hardware and software on library computers may not be altered.
- Library staff is available to assist users in their use of these resources, but may not be familiar with every application or device users wish to use. Due to scheduling constraints, there may not be an Internet trained librarian on duty at all times. Because of the many different Internet applications available, and the variety of devices users may bring into the Library, the Library cannot provide complete technical support.
- Wireless connections less secure than wired connections. Users are advised use caution and take additional security measures when transmitting sensitive information using any of the Library’s public networks.
- Library computers may not be used to attempt to gain unauthorized access to any data, computer or network.
- The library does not permit violation of any U.S. or state law or regulation including, but not restricted to, acts of a threatening, harassing or obscene nature. Patrons must respect copyright laws and licensing agreements.
- Any criminal or otherwise illegal conduct is prohibited, including the public display of offensive sexual materials as restricted by applicable NYS or Federal Penal Laws, when using a public PC. The library reserves the right to limit access to pertinent web resources to maintain compliance with legislation.
Misuse of the computer by not complying with these procedures and policies will result in loss of privileges.
While the library offers access and guidance to a wide array of useful and interesting Internet sites, some may contain inaccurate, controversial, and even offensive material. The library does not monitor and has no control over the information accessed through the Internet and cannot be responsible for its content.
Use of the wireless network is entirely at the risk of the user. The library disclaims any and all liability for lost or stolen hardware, loss of confidential information, or damages resulting from the use of the wireless network.
Adopted by the Board of Trustees 11/18/97, amended 8/17/99, 10/15/02, 10/21/03, 5/19/2009, 3/18/2014, 10/16/2018