In response to the latest news regarding Coronavirus (COVID-19), using an abundance of caution and taking our cue from CDC and other health professionals, the East Greenbush Community Library is temporarily suspending all library programs—for all age groups—as well as the use of our meeting spaces by outside groups.

We apologize to our patrons and community partners for the inconvenience and hope to reschedule the cancelled programs, where possible later in the year. We are monitoring the quickly evolving COVID-19 situation and are looking to experts such as the Center for Disease Control, World Health Organization, and New York State Department of Health for guidance.

At this time, the library will remain open. However, to align ourselves with recommendations for community mitigation and social distancing measures, we are hoping the community will begin using the library for core information services, and not as a community gathering space. We are asking all library visitors to stay home if they are sick, and if you do visit the library, please use hand sanitizer upon entering. The library drive-thru window is a wonderful service which we hope you will take full advantage of! Patrons are encouraged to place holds on items, and then call ahead to pick them up at the drive-thru window. Library staff are available to place holds over the phone and answer research questions. Acceptance of donated materials is suspended. We will be sharing information about accessing our digital resources, including eBooks, eAudio, research databases, eMusic, eMagazines and more over social media and on our website. We will continue to communicate any changes as the situation evolves and update our website as needed.

While we feel strongly that this is the most responsible action to take as an organization and is one small way to help combat the spread of this virus, we want to reinforce to you our fundamental commitment to provide core library services to our community. We do not take this decision lightly. Our educational programming and meeting rooms for community groups are continually in use. Thank you for your understanding and patience in this uncertain time.

SubjectEast Greenbush CardUHLS CardUHLS MyCard
Library Card RegistrationFree to any individual who resides or pays taxes in the East Greenbush Community Library taxing district or Town of Schodack. Cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Free to any individual who volunteers or works at the EGRN Library. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Free to partner educational agencies with verified employment. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Those that live outside the UHLS area may purchase a temporary card at the price established by our Table of Fines and Fees. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

Free to residents residing in a community served by a UHLS library.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

The UHLS MyCard is a fine-free, limited-access library card for youth. It is intended to address multiple barriers to serving youth and families, including:

  • Barriers to access related to fines (e.g. computer access, checking out materials)
  • Parents not present for a child’s library card registration
  • Previous fines on a child’s card

Free for youth residing in a community served by a UHLS library.Applicants 18 and under who are applying for a limited use, UHLS Youth Only MyCard, need to provide name, address, and date of birth.UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.Youth ages birth to 18 can register unaccompanied, or with the help of a caregiver or relative who is not the child’s parent/guardian.This card may be used at all UHLS Libraries except for the Colonie Town Library.

Card blocked at $10 or more in replacement costs.

No fines for late items

Limits on # of Materials BorrowedUnlimited checkoutsUnlimited checkoutsLimited total items: Can only have 3 items checked out on their card at a time
Types of ItemsAll eligible item types.All eligible item types except Museum Passes, ILL, and Hot off the Press. Active paid members of the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library have access to all lending collections.Only items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Databases/Digital ContentEGRN and UHLS subscription databases and digital contentUHLS subscription databases and digital contentOnly items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Interlibrary LoanNationwideUHLS LibrariesUHLS Libraries
Program RegistrationUnlimited except by limited program capacityPreference given to resident cardholdersPreference given to resident cardholders