Homework Help & Research
Journal Articles & Magazines
Academic OneFile
This database contains over 12,000 journals and reference sources, many of which are peer-reviewed and full text. It has extensive coverage of the physical sciences, technology, medicine, social sciences, the arts, theology, literature and more.
General OneFile
This general periodical database contains over 12,000 periodicals, newspapers, reference books and multimedia sources, over half of which are full text. The backfile extends nearly 30 years. Subjects include humanities, education, environmental issues, technology, healthcare, politics and more.
Health Reference Center
This health database includes over 2800 journals and magazines, many of which are full text. It contains nursing and allied health journals, other medical journals, newsletters and consumer health magazines.
Popular Magazines Collection
Popular Magazines includes full text articles from more than 1,000 of the most searched magazines across Gale InfoTrac products.
Subject Help
English & Literary Criticism
Citation Machine
Citation Machine automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago, and Turabian! How easy is that?
MLA Guide
Answer all your MLA questions — even how to cite a Tweet!
Purdue OWL
The Online Writing Lab provides a variety of writing resources ranging from ESL to job search writing to citation.
Math & Science
A+ Math
Helps students develop their math skills interactively.
Unit Converter
The universal assistant for all your conversion needs.
World of Math Online
Free math lessons and math homework help from basic math to algebra, geometry and beyond.
Begins with the fundamentals and gives expert help with the most difficult phases of understanding chemistry.
Scientific Calculator
Just in case you forgot your calculator.
History & Social Studies
Biographies of famous people.
History Central
Complete timelines of major events in American history and world history.
Opposing Viewpoints [Database]
Contains a range of perspectives on many important issues, with over 13,000 pro/con viewpoints. You will need to use your library card number to access this database from outside the library.
College and Careers
Get the facts about the benefits and requirements of military service — with careers and programs spanning the five military branches.
Working Papers
NYS Working Papers: Facts for Teenagers under 18.
College Bound
A detailed directory of more than 5,000 school profiles highlighting four-year colleges and universities, community colleges, and career schools.
High School Equivalency Exam: TASC
This site provides information about the TASC, test dates and times, and study materials.
LGBTQ Friendly Colleges & Student Resources
This guide was created to help LGBTQ students understand how many campuses are helping to make the college experience more welcoming and supportive.
OnlineU is a free and comprehensive guide that enables students to compare all online colleges in the U.S.
Financial Aid
FinAid! Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid
Scholarships, loans, grants.
Mapping Your Future
Learn all about the ins and outs of student loans.
Paying for College
Financial Aid Calculators. Figure out how much your education is going to cost!
Peterson’s Colleges and Universities
Search for a college by major, location, tuition, etc.