Print From Anywhere
Send your print job to the library from any location, using any device!
Get started by going to the printing portal
Wireless Printing Brochure (printer friendly)
- To print your document or image go directly to our printing portal page. The procedure is the same for desktop and mobile devices.
- Click the upload file button to choose a document or image to print.
- Change any settings (such as black and white or color, number of copies, duplex, etc.) needed by clicking or tapping on the gear icon:
- To see a print preview click or tap the preview icon:
- Once changes have been made, click or tap accept.
- There is a charge of 15¢ per copy for single-sided B&W (30¢ double-sided) and 50¢ per page for color copies.
- Jobs formatted for paper sizes larger than legal will be reformatted to fit the smaller paper.
- The email address you used when submitting your print job will be your login at the print release station in the library.
- After sending your job(s) to the printer, go to the library and enter your email address and remit payment using the print release station behind the reference desk.
- Most file types are supported. Complete list of supported formats
- Any items that require a web URL, such as boarding passes, Facebook pages, encrypted pages, Google Docs, etc., will need to be downloaded or converted to an image or pdf before sending. Please see a librarian if you need assistance.
Privacy and Security
This portal uses SSL to ensure the security of your transaction. The printer for this portal uses a privacy system. Your documents are held in a privacy print queue until you are present at the printer to authorize their release.
- Documents are not printed until you enter your email and remit payment at the print release station next to the printer located at the reference desk.
- The document is permanently deleted upon processing.
- Documents left unprinted past closing time are automatically deleted.