Adopted by the Board of Trustees 11/19/2013
Conflict of Interest Policy PDF
The purpose of this policy is to set forth guidelines for Trustees and staff to follow in order to prevent conflict of interest during the performance of duties and responsibilities to the East Greenbush Community Library.
Standards of Conduct: Every Trustee or employee of the Library shall be subject to and abide by the following guidelines:
(a) Confidential Information. No Trustee or employee shall disclose confidential information acquired in the course of official duties or use such information to further a personal interest.
(b) Disclosure of Interest in Legislation. To the extent known, any Trustee or employee of the Library who participates in the discussion or gives an official opinion to the Library Board on any legislation shall publicly disclose on the official record the nature and extent of any direct or indirect financial or other private interest he or she may have in such legislation.
(c) Disclosure of Interests in Contracts. To the extent known, any Trustee or employee of the Library who has, will have, or subsequently acquires any interest in any contract with the Library shall publicly disclose the nature and extent of such interest in writing to the Library Board as well as to his or her immediate supervisor as soon as he or she has knowledge of such actual or prospective interest.
(d) Investments in Conflict with Official Duties. No Trustee or employee shall invest or hold any investment directly or indirectly in any financial, business, commercial or other private transaction, which creates a conflict.
(e) Private Employment. No Trustee or employee shall engage in, solicit, negotiate for or promise to accept private employment or render services for private interests when such employment or service creates a conflict with or impairs the proper discharge of his or her duties.
(f) Prohibited Conflicts of Interest. No Library Trustee or employee shall have an interest in any contract between the Library and a corporation or partnership of which he or she is an Trustee or employee when such Library Trustee or employee has the power to:
- negotiate, prepare, authorize, or approve the contractor;
- authorize or approve payment there under;
- audit bills or claims under the contract;
- appoint an Trustee or employee who has any of the powers or duties set forth above, and, no chief fiscal Trustee, treasurer, or his or her deputy or employee shall have an interest in a bank or trust company designated as a depository, paying agent, registration agent or for investment of funds of the Library of which he or she is an Trustee or employee.
The provisions of this section shall in no event be construed to preclude the payment of lawful compensation and necessary expenses of any Library Trustee or employee in one or more positions of public employment, the holding of which is not prohibited by law.
(g) Certain Interests Prohibited. No Trustee or employee of the Library who has an interest in any real property, either individually or as an Trustee or employee of a corporation or partnership shall participate in the acquisition or plan for acquisition of said property or any property adjacent to said property by the Library. The term “participation” shall include the promotion of the site as well as the negotiation of the terms of acquisition.
(h) No Library Trustee or employee shall use or permit the use of property owned or leased to the Library for other than official purposes or for activities not otherwise officially approved.
The standard of behavior at the East Greenbush Community Library is that all staff and Board of Trustee members scrupulously avoid any conflict between the interests of the Library on one hand, and such individual’s personal, professional, and business interests on the other. This includes avoiding actual conflicts of interest as well as perceptions of conflicts of interest.
I understand that the purposes of this policy are: to protect the integrity of the Library’s decision-making process, to enable our constituencies to have confidence in our integrity, and to protect the integrity and reputation of, staff and Board of Trustee members.
In the course of meetings or activities, I shall disclose any interests in a transaction or decision where I (including my business or other nonprofit affiliation), my family and/or my significant other, employer, or close associates will receive a benefit or gain. I understand that this policy is meant to be a supplement to good judgment, and I will respect its spirit as well as its wording.