Technology Help

In addition to occasional classes and tech help drop-in events, the library offers individual instruction through our Book a Librarian program.

See below for self-paced online tutorials and instruction.

 We made how-to videos for our online resources, like e-books, Consumer Reports, and Times Union. Show me

Featured Resources

Tech-Talk graphic

Tech-Talk contains easy-to-read articles, videos, and other fun stuff with the tips and tricks you need. Available as a website, an app, and a weekly newsletter (sign up).  Member login: user name and password are both eglibrary.

Cornell Cooperative Extension Rensselaer County

Cornell Cooperative Extension of Rensselaer County offers tutorials, how-to guides, helpful tips, and other resources to help you strengthen your technology skills.

Book a Librarian

Make an appointment for individual help from a staff member. Requires a UHLS library card in good standing. Learn more

For Beginners


Northstar: Digital Literacy Assessments

What Do You Need To Know?
Checklists created by EG Library staff to help patrons identify topics they want to learn about.

Computer Basics

GCF LearnFree: Computer Basics
Tutorials on computer basics for beginners.

Getting Started on a Computer
Short tutorials from Digital Learn to orient you to a computer and its parts.

TechConnect: All About Computers
Handouts from the New York Public Library on a variety of beginner computer topics.

Northstar Online Learning: Basic Computer Skills
Interactive slideshow.

Basic Computer Skills Online Course
Wisc-Online provides self-paced courses presented in learning order with more detailed tutorials for beginning users.

What is an operating system?

Windows 10 General | Video overview | Tutorial: Using a Windows 10 PC

MacOS | Tutorial: Using a Mac

How to Take a Screenshot
Simple directions for taking a screenshot using any computer or mobile device platform.

Microsoft Digital Literacy
Modules that start at the beginner level and progress through a variety of topics.

Mouse and Keyboard

Mouse and Keyboard Skills
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension with tips and exercises to help you improve your mouse and keyboard skills.

Using a mouse

Using a keyboard

Typing practice


GCF LearnFree: Internet
Tutorials available by internet browser or task.

TechConnect: Internet and Email: Handouts from the New York Public Library on a wide variety of subjects, from beginner to advanced.

Intro to the internet: Internet Basics | Navigating a website | Basic search | Search better

Evaluating Web Pages
Learn how to quickly find what you need to know about a web page and use a checklist to evaluate whether the website can be trusted.

Evaluating Web Pages
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension

Assessing the Credibility of Online Sources
A quick guide to help you judge the credibility of websites.


Intro to Email
A collection of lessons shorter than 5 minutes each for beginners.

Intro to Email: Part 2
Beyond the basics.

GCF Learn Free: Email
Email tutorials

Email Tips
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension

Northstar Online Learning: Using Email
Interactive slideshow.

Smartphones and Tablets

TechConnect: Digital Devices: Class handouts from the New York Public Library about buying and using smartphones ant tablets, as well as specialty software.

GCFLearnFree: Basics for all models


How to Take a Screenshot
Simple directions for taking a screenshot using any computer or mobile device platform.

Digital Unite: Basic overviews and tutorials for individual tasks.


Social Media

Social Media and Blogging Tutorials from GCF LearnFree (start with this link)

Social Websites – Tutorials from TechBoomers

Tutorials from Denver Public Library Use the sort box to narrow to Social Networking.

Intro to Facebook by DigitalLearn

Learn More

Staying Safe Online

Online Security and Privacy Basics
Short articles from the National Cybersecurity Alliance about staying safe and protecting your information online.

Online Safety Information Resources
A variety of resources from Microsoft to avoid scams, combat cyberbullying, and more.

DigitalLearn: Being Safe Online
Tutorials about accounts and passwords, online scams, and internet privacy.

Staying Safe Online
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension with a few tips.

Theft, Fraud, and Cybercrime
Short articles from the National Cybersecurity Alliance about avoiding, detecting, and reporting cybercrimes.

Cybersecurity for Businesses
Organizations of all sizes need to keep their data, employees and customers safe and secure. Learn how to protect your business with these resources from the National Cybersecurity Alliance.

Cybersecurity Publications
These documents from the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Alliance can help you with everything from setting up your first computer to understanding the nuances of emerging threats.

Dangerous Software
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension about the types of “malware” that can infect your computer and how to spot them.

Email Scams to Avoid
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension about spotting common email scams.

TechConnect: Privacy and Security Video Playlist
Short videos from the New York Public library with tips for staying safe online.


Job Hunting

Education and Employment
Resources curated by librarians on this website.

TechConnect: Job Seeking: Handouts from the New York Public Library about finding a job online, creating or updating your resume, and building skills to increase your chances of getting hired.

Career and Education
Articles by the National Cybersecurity Alliance. Can be filtered by target audience.

GCF LearnFree
Career planning, job search, and job application tutorials.

Tutorials on creating resumes, searching for jobs, and applying for jobs.

Job Search Resources
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Resume Help Resources
Handout from Cornell Cooperative Extension.

Northstar Online Learning: Career Search Skills
Interactive slideshow


Microsoft Office

Office 365 Basics

GCF tutorials

TechConnect: Microsoft Office
Handouts from the New York Public Library covering 2010 and 2020 versions of Microsoft Office Applications.

Excel Easy

Microsoft Learn
Microsoft courses in coding and software that can build into IT certifications. (Intermediate to Advanced)

Northstar Online Learning: Microsoft Word
Interactive Slideshow

Cord Cutting

Have you ever considered getting rid of your traditional TV services, but aren’t sure about your options? Check out our Cord-Cutting 101 page for resources and recordings from our most recent virtual class.


TechConnect: Podcasting Playlist: Videos from the New York Public Library teaching about various aspects of podcasting.

TechConnect: Podcasting Class Handouts: Handouts from the New York Public Library’s class about podcasting.


Creativity and Design

Tech-Talk Tutorials
Graphics | Media | Video | Web Design

GCF LearnFree: Creativity and Design
Tutorials on photography and graphic design.

Tech Tips: Latest Posts

Subject East Greenbush Card UHLS Card UHLS MyCard
Library Card Registration Free to any individual who resides or pays taxes in the East Greenbush Community Library taxing district or Town of Schodack. Cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Free to any individual who volunteers or works at the EGRN Library. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Free to partner educational agencies with verified employment. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

Those that live outside the UHLS area may purchase a temporary card at the price established by our Table of Fines and Fees. Cards expire and must be renewed yearly.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

Free to residents residing in a community served by a UHLS library.

All ages eligible. Youth under age 16 must have their application completed and signed by a parent or guardian, who provides acceptable identification for them.

UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.

Card blocked at $5 or more in replacement costs or fines/fees

Fines vary according to individual library rules and UHLS resource sharing rules. The EGRN Table of Fines and Fees are applicable for items which are checked out from the East Greenbush Community Library

The UHLS MyCard is a fine-free, limited-access library card for youth. It is intended to address multiple barriers to serving youth and families, including:

  • Barriers to access related to fines (e.g. computer access, checking out materials)
  • Parents not present for a child’s library card registration
  • Previous fines on a child’s card

Free for youth residing in a community served by a UHLS library.Applicants 18 and under who are applying for a limited use, UHLS Youth Only MyCard, need to provide name, address, and date of birth.UHLS library cards expire and must be renewed every three years.Youth ages birth to 18 can register unaccompanied, or with the help of a caregiver or relative who is not the child’s parent/guardian.This card may be used at all UHLS Libraries except for the Colonie Town Library.

Card blocked at $10 or more in replacement costs.

No fines for late items

Limits on # of Materials Borrowed Unlimited checkouts Unlimited checkouts Limited total items: Can only have 3 items checked out on their card at a time
Types of Items All eligible item types. All eligible item types except Museum Passes, ILL, and Hot off the Press. Active paid members of the Friends of the East Greenbush Community Library have access to all lending collections. Only items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Databases/Digital Content EGRN and UHLS subscription databases and digital content UHLS subscription databases and digital content Only items eligible to be borrowed are books (any age level), juvenile and young adult (teen) audiobooks, and juvenile and young adult (teen) DVDs.
Interlibrary Loan Nationwide UHLS Libraries UHLS Libraries
Program Registration Unlimited except by limited program capacity Preference given to resident cardholders Preference given to resident cardholders