Adopted, Library Board of Trustees, November 21, 2023
Anytime the Library Board of Trustees gathers to conduct official business and there is a quorum of the Board, the meeting is defined as a public meeting and shall be open and accessible to the public, in accordance with the NYS (New York State) Public Officers Law. Trustees must attend all duly notified meetings pursuant to the Library By-Laws. Trustees may fulfill this requirement through remote attendance via videoconferencing as set forth in this policy.
The guidelines for a public meeting pursuant to an emergency order supersede those in this Remote Attendance Policy.
Policy Guidelines
The following guidelines shall govern how and when the library utilizes remote attendance and videoconferencing technology for public meetings:
- As per New York State law, a quorum of voting board members must be present in person to conduct a public meeting.
- Members of the board of trustees are required to be physically present at any duly noticed meeting unless such members are unable to attend in-person due to extraordinary circumstances, which may involve disability, illness, caregiving responsibilities, travel, or any significant or unexpected factor or event.
- If a member is unable to be physically present at the public meeting and wishes to participate by videoconferencing from a private location due to extraordinary circumstances, the member must notify the Meeting Chair and Library Director no later than four business days prior to the scheduled meeting, or as soon as practicable if extraordinary circumstances present themselves on an emergent basis, and public notice shall be updated accordingly.
- Members of the board of trustees shall be seen, heard, and identified, whether in-person or on video, while the meeting is being conducted. This includes any motions, proposals, resolutions, and any other matter formally discussed or voted on, except executive sessions, which may be closed to the public.
- Members participating in board of trustee meetings virtually must keep their cameras turned on and actively participate throughout the duration of the meeting.
- Members of the board of trustees attending virtually have full voting rights.
- Meeting minutes shall note which members participated virtually.
- If videoconferencing is used to conduct a board of trustees meeting, the public notice for the meeting shall inform the public that videoconferencing will be used and shall include directions for how the public can view and/or participate in such a meeting.
- Each meeting involving the use of videoconferencing shall be recorded and such recordings shall be posted or linked on the library’s website within five business days following the meeting.
- Recordings shall remain available for at least five years thereafter. Recordings shall be transcribed upon request.
Approved November 21, 2023